Code for UniS-MMC: Multimodal Classification via Unimodality-supervised Multimodal Contrastive Learning (ACL 2023)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Code for UniS-MMC: Multimodal Classification via Unimodality-supervised Multimodal Contrastive Learning (ACL 2023)


Python=3.8, Pytorch=1.8.0, CUDA=11.1

conda create -n unis111 python=3.8
conda install pytorch==1.8.0 torchvision==0.9.0 torchaudio==0.8.0 cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
pip install -r requirements.txt

Code Structure

-- model: TextEncoder.py, ImageEncoder.py, model.py
-- data: dataloader.py, create_data.py
-- results: logs, results, imgs, models
-- Pretrained: bert_base_uncased, bert_large_uncased, roberta_base, roberta_large, vit_base, vit_large
-- src: config.py, functions.py, metrics.py, train_food101.py
-- main.py
-- train.sh
-- test.sh
-- requirements.txt

Data Preparation

UPMC-Food-101 is a multimodal food classification dataset. We adopt the most commonly used split method and remove those image-text pairs with missing images or text. The final dataset split is available here.

N24News is a multimodal news classification dataset. We adopt the original split method.

Train and Test

The examples for training and test are included in train.sh and test.sh. For direct inference on Food101, we provide a pretrained checkpoint here.


If you use this code as part of any published research, we'd really appreciate it if you could cite the following paper:

  title={UniS-MMC: Multimodal Classification via Unimodality-supervised Multimodal Contrastive Learning},
  author={Heqing Zou and Meng Shen and Chen Chen and Yuchen Hu and Deepu Rajan and Eng Siong Chng},


MIT License