
The application acts as an online pizza inn, one orders for pizza online then on checkout gets details oh his/her order

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Allows for online ordering of pizza, on checkout gives order details., 5.17.2020.

By Vincent Kipngeno


This web application is for ordering of pizzas online. User is given an option to choose pizza size, choose a crust each with specific price and choose toppings(can choose more than one) each with specific price depending on the size of pizza. On ordering the user is given the total charge of the single pizza order then given an option to order more than one pizza and select whether to be delivered or not, if yes then prompted to enter the location to be delivered. On submitting the user is given an option to make another order or checkout. The purpose of this app is to make it easy for our customers to get there order at there comfort.

Setup/Installation Requirements

Known Bugs

So far there are no bugs known in this app. But if you come across one feel free to raise or even solve it. Feel free to help solving the issue.

Technologies Used

Html, jquery, javascript, css and bootstrap have been used in development of this app.

Support and contact details

In case of any issue feel free to reach me via email at kipngenovi2001@gmail.com. Feel free to also contribute in developing and improving the app.


{MIT.} Copyright (c) {2020} {Vincent Kipngeno}