Demo This repository contains a complete pipline for real time face recognition. It includes:

  • gathering images from your webcam/video source
  • detection,alignment,resize of face images using Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional networks
  • train models using your own aligned images
  • computing embedings from your images
  • real-time facial recognition through webcam


  • To add new data, put python database_name subject_name <number_of_photos> <size_factor> in command line.
  • To allign data, put python input_dir output_dir <image_size> <random_order> <gpu_memory_fraction> in command line.
  • To train your model, put
  • To activate webcam/video for facial recognition: python model_dir classifier_dir

Modification possibility:

  • build raspberry Pi video pipeline(stream data from server) and add voice module for greeting purposes (Alert when no one is home? greet friends and family?)
  • rescale images with better technique to obtain a more accurate representation of faces.