
first version

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

EECoG-Comp (updating)

This is an open source matlab based tool box for simltaneous EEG and ECoG data analysis and simulation by Qing Wang et al.( Brain Topogr. paper, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10548-019-00708-w). The folders are organized as follows:

  1. EECoG-FWM: the forward modeling codes (related external tools);
  2. LF: the EEG and ECoG lead field output folder;
  3. newSimBioModel: the input anatomical and electrode position files;
  4. EECoG_PreProc: the preprocessing module;
  5. Laplacian: the Laplacian calculation module;
  6. tools: common tools used by this project; The files ara organized as follows:
  7. EECoG_Comp_Sim_min_test_Human.m: human simulation test;
  8. EECoG_Comp_Sim_min_test_Monkey.m: monkey simulation test;
  9. res_collectHumanSimulationBlock.m: collect block source human simulation results;
  10. res_collectHumanSimulationRand.m: collect random source human simulation results;
  11. res_collectMonkeySimulationBlock.m: collect block source Monkey simulation results;
  12. res_collectMonkeySimulationRand.m: collect random source Monkey simulation results;
  13. Framework.tif: the framework of this pipeline. All the other data in Tab. 2 can be downloaded from here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Mj2S4662ZoYdReaDBALEJMzXjrS0bNdt/view