BukitVista Frontend Programmer Test


A web application for guest to check their booking details. It is use ReactJS framework and isomorphic library. Presently, the api is unavailable.


  1. NodeJS
  2. yarn

How to run

Run at localhost

  1. clone this repository.
  2. run yarn install to install the node modules and dependencies.
  3. run yarn start after installation done.
  4. open url http://localhost:3000 in your browser.
  5. Click sign in.
  6. There are two menus in the side bar which are "Guest Details" and "Test API"
  7. The main function of this app is in "Guest Details"
  8. The "Test APi" menu is for demo of how this app do fetching data. Mock data gathered from this site https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/


This web app deployed at heroku. https://bv-programmer-test.herokuapp.com/dashboard/guest_detail