⏳BTC timeline & price

Bitcoin price chart for the entire history from 2008/2010/2013 to now

↗️price new ATH
↘️local price bottom
🚀price surpassed last ATH
📣price reached a new power of 10
⏳historical video or event \

1974 to 2008 Bitcoin Prehistory

2023-02-17 https://image.coinpedia.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/17162344/Bitcoin-Prehistory-1-2048x1024.png

2008 to 2010

2008-10-31 Bitcoin white paper https://www.metzdowd.com/pipermail/cryptography/2008-October/014810.html
2009-01-03 Bitcoin genesis block created by Satoshi Nakamoto | Ticker BC
2009-01-11 ⏳ First Bitcoin tweet of history from Hal Finney https://x.com/halfin/status/1110302988
2009-02-11 Bitcoin Core 0.1 https://p2pfoundation.ning.com/forum/topics/bitcoin-open-source
2010-02-05 @NewLibertyStandard suggests ฿ as currency symbol and BTC as ticker
2010-02-24 🟡@Satoshi posts a new Bitcoin logo ₿ inspired by $ on a golden coin
2010-05-22 A pizza was sold for 10000BTC
2010-06-10 📣$0.01 = 10^-2
2010-07-03 $0.01 ⏳ ฿750 faucet | ฿5/visitor https://web.archive.org/web/20100703032414/http://freebitcoins.appspot.com/
2010-09-14 📣$0.10 = 10^-1
2010-10-26 $0.20
2010-11-01 🟠@bitboy posts a new Bitcoin logo oblique on orange background
2010-11-06 $0.50
2010-11-21 $0.28 ⏳ @Bitcoin Poet - What is a Bitcoin https://youtu.be/AjnM2shYIrM \


2011-01-01 $0.29 ⏳ @Michael Hendricks - Buy Bitcoins with PayPal (using CoinPal) https://youtu.be/YmPg4V-YE0k
2011-01-03 $0.29 ⏳ Buy Bitcoins with PayPal https://web.archive.org/web/20110103031346/http://coinpal.ndrix.com/
2011-02-02 📣$1 = 10^0
2011-02-09 ↗️$1.09 | ₿1=$1
2011-03-22 $0.74 ⏳ @WeUseCoins - What is Bitcoin (v1) https://youtu.be/Um63OQz3bjo
2011-04-04 ↘️$0.56
2011-06-11 📣$10 = 10^1 | 129 days after $1
2011-06-08 ↗️$31.95 | $29.6
2011-06-19 $16.85 Price paused
2011-06-20 [$0.01] ⏳ @BookofNick - Bitcoin Mt. Gox FLASH CRASH! $0.01 https://youtu.be/jrikj7fy4MU
2011-06-27 $15.00 Price resumed
2011-06-29 $15.73 ⏳ @Rocketboom - Bitcoins https://youtu.be/9LaSrxtWfgc
2011-10-19 $2.04
2011-11-17 ↘️$1.99 | $4.7 \

2012 to 2015

2012-11-28 ✂️1st halving
2013-02-19 🚀$30
2013-04-01 📣$100 = 10^2 | 660 days after $10
2013-04-10 ↗️$259
2013-04-12 ↘️$50 | $40
2013-11-06 🚀$265
2013-11-27 📣$1k = 10^3 | 240 days after $100
2013-11-30 ↗️$1242 | $1163 = 39×$29.6
2014-04-25 $441 ⏳@WeUseCoins - What is Bitcoin (v2) https://youtu.be/Gc2en3nHxA4
2014-04-11 $340
2015-01-14 ↘️$166 | $152
2015-08-18 ↘️$162 \

2016 to 2020

2016-07-09 ✂️2nd halving
2016-09-xx 🐂bull run: +13months -3months (max 5months+)
2017-02-23 🚀$1194
2017-11-29 📣$10k = 10^4 | 1463 days after $1k
2017-12-17 ↗️$19666 = 17×$1163
2018-02-06 $5944
2018-12-15 ↘️$3122
2020-03-13 $3848 Covid19 \

2020 to 2024

2020-05-11 ✂️3rd halving
2020-07-xx 🐂bull run: +8months -1months (max 6months+)
2020-12-16 🚀$21577
2021-04-14 $64800
2021-11-10 ↗️$69000 = 3.5×$19666
2022-11-21 ↘️$15479 FTX collapse
2024-01-10 ⏳US ETFs approved by the SEC
2024-03-05 🚀$69156 \

2024 to now

2024-04-xx ✂️4th halving