Pinned Repositories
Hello guys, all these are my solutions for algorithm questions. My solutions are written by JAVA or Python. I will be happy to discuss with you guys!
Hello guys, government working report is related with everyone's life. I want to use NLP methods to analyze it and acquire useful information.
Hello guys, in this project, I will show you how to use Naive Bayes to classify spam email. The accuracy could be 98%! If you have any question, please let me know. I am happy to discuss with you guys.
Hello guys, recently, I am trying to analyze the visual appeal of design, so I design an algorithm which used HSV range and Kmeans method. This algorithm achieved a good result.
This repository will talk about some basic knowledge of Computer Vision, like convolution, sober, edge detection and so on. All codes are C++.
Hello guys, this project aims to using Faster RCNN to detect food items. Finally, this model achieved over 83% accuracy for 19 kinds of food.
Hello guys.
In this project, I implement a panorama image stitcher. This requires the implementation of a Harris corner detector, RANSAC alignment and an image stitcher.
Hello guys, this project aims to comparing particle filter and extend Kalman filter.
VincentChen95's Repositories
Hello guys, this project aims to using Faster RCNN to detect food items. Finally, this model achieved over 83% accuracy for 19 kinds of food.
Hello guys, this project aims to comparing particle filter and extend Kalman filter.
In this project, I implement a panorama image stitcher. This requires the implementation of a Harris corner detector, RANSAC alignment and an image stitcher.
Hello guys.
Part of speech tagging is the process of determining the syntactic category of a word from the words in its surrounding context. It is often used to help disambiguate natural language phrases because it can be done quickly with high accuracy. Tagging can be used for many NLP Tasks like determining correct pronunciation during speech synthesis (for example, dis-count as a noun vs dis-count as a verb), for information retrieval, and for word sense disambiguation. Hidden Markov models have been able to achieve >96% tag accuracy with larger tagsets on realistic text corpora. Hidden Markov models have also been used for speech recognition and speech generation, machine translation, gene recognition for bioinformatics, and human gesture recognition for computer vision, and more.
Hello guys, all these are my solutions for algorithm questions. My solutions are written by JAVA or Python. I will be happy to discuss with you guys!
Hello guys, government working report is related with everyone's life. I want to use NLP methods to analyze it and acquire useful information.
Hello guys, in this project, I will show you how to use Naive Bayes to classify spam email. The accuracy could be 98%! If you have any question, please let me know. I am happy to discuss with you guys.
Hello guys, recently, I am trying to analyze the visual appeal of design, so I design an algorithm which used HSV range and Kmeans method. This algorithm achieved a good result.
This repository will talk about some basic knowledge of Computer Vision, like convolution, sober, edge detection and so on. All codes are C++.
I developed a content-based image retrieval system that retrieves database images based on the similarity between their regions and those of a query image.
Hello guys
Hello guys, recently, I am very interested in the promising field, which is self driving car. Therefore, I am taking some class and doing some projects in this field. I am glad to share with you guys.
A self driving car course of University of Toronto, on the topic of state estimation and localization
In this repository, I will show you guys how to use regular method to analyze sentiment text. Meanwhile, I will also compare it with RNN model.
Hello guys!