
This repo contains the firmware and 3D models required to reproduce de eTube augmented controller. More details on the project can be found on the website below.

Primary LanguageC++

eTube: An augmented instrument controller

Etu{d,b}e simultaneously refers to the name of the augmented instrument, the eTube, and a series of improvised performances based on human-computer musical interactions, or études. Custom electronics based on the esp32 chip are interfacing the sensors and actuators to relay information between the musician and the computer wirelessly. The instrumentalist’s preferences regarding some inherent qualities of sensors and the topology of the 3D printed controller were at the heart of the design process. The controller is attached to the acoustic instrument without obstructing regular playing technique.


Electronic parts

Item PCS Ref Image Notes
ESP32 LOLIN D32 1 Multiple ESP32 boards should work just fine
Lipo Battery 1 3.7v and around 900 mAh
Choc Switches 2 Also compatible with Cherry MX switches

Standard parts

Item PCS Ref Image Notes
M3x8mm Screws 2 Used to fix the Thumb Rest and the Switch Holder
M2x8mm Screws 2 Used to fix the ESP32 board
M3x6mm Inserts 9 Are inserted all around the ring
M2x6mm Inserts 2 Goes at the top of the Battery Holder

3D printed parts

Item PCS Ref Image Notes
Mouth Piece Adapter 1 This version is made for a baryton saxophone
Battery Holder 1 Still need to be fixed with a zip tie
Ring 1 Assuming a tube diameter of 31 mm
Switch Holder 1 Compatible with various models of switches
Thumb Rest 1 Mostly for comfort, to the taste of the user


The controller uses the lemmingDev / ESP32-BLE-Gamepad library.

Arduino Configuration

The development has been made using platformIO, the code is provided as is and might need some modification to run in your environment.

Communication protocol

You should be able to connect to the eTube by selecting it in your Bluetooth device list. The controller is seen as HID so the buttons (with ID 4 and 5) information can be received by any compatible software.


This work is supported by a 2021-2022 Student Award from the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology (CIRMMT).