
An OpenStreetMap Tileserver in a Docker container using docker-compose.

OpenStreetMap Tileserver

This repository contains instructions for building a Docker image using Docker-compose, which contains the OpenStreetMap tile serving software stack. It is based on the Switch2OSM instructions.

The Docker-compose launches multiple containers which can be found on Github and Docker Hub. These dockers are based on dockers created by openfirmware.


  1. Download an osm.pbf file of your favorite region and store it in ~/osm/import.osm.pbf.
  2. Launch docker-compose docker-compose up -d. The server will be initialized by storing the map data into the database and subsequently serving the right tiles on http://my-docker-ip/osmb/{z}/{x}/{y}.png.
  3. Stop the docker container: docker-compose stop
  4. Restart the initialized server: docker-compose start