WiFi Sample Codes

This repo consists of the sample codes to be used during class.

  1. TTGO-uKitExplore_Basic Serial Communication: Basic serial communication (UART) between TTGO to uKit Explore. [NO EXTERNAL HARDWARE] TTGO --> uKit Explore
  2. TTGO-uKitExploreServoMotor: Basic serial communication (UART) between TTGO to uKit Explore. [WITH ATTACHED UBTECH Servo] TTGO --> uKit Explore
  3. ESP32_APMode: Made the TTGO in AP mode (broadcast its own WiFi) TTGO
  4. TTGO_WebServer-uKitExploreServoMotor: Basic Web Server in TTGO to control hardware attached on uKit Explore TTGO --> uKit Explore
  5. Ultrasonic: Basic serial communication (UART) between uKit Explore to TTGO. [With uKit Explore connected to UBTECH Ultrasonic Sensor] uKit Explore --> TTGO
  6. TTGO_DHT11: Basic web server on TTGO to read and display DHT temperature and humidity values. TTGO
  7. NTPTime_ESP32: Learn how to request date and time from an NTP Server. TTGO
  8. Manual_WiFi_Configuration_ESP32: Manual configure the WiFi instead of hardcoded on code. TTGO

For sending TWO DATAS to ESP32 from Arduino/uKit Explore Hardware, refer to:

  1. Arduino sketch for Arduino NANO to send data to NodeMCU using SoftwareSerial library: https://gist.github.com/ariffinzulkifli/fd77b92d28b2ead38f20a033a8bde72d
  2. Arduino sketch for NodeMCU to receive incoming data from Arduino NANO using SoftwareSerial library: https://gist.github.com/ariffinzulkifli/0d8be195de02e8cbc23ee51c1337c903

Note that SoftwareSerial is NOT NEEDED if you are using the hardware UART.

indexof() Reference:

  1. https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/language/variables/data-types/string/functions/indexof/
  2. https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/BuiltInExamples/StringIndexOf

substring() Reference:

  1. https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/language/variables/data-types/string/functions/substring/
  2. https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/BuiltInExamples/StringSubstring

parseInt() Reference:

  1. https://www.programmingelectronics.com/parseint/

NOTE: Sample codes are just for reference and for you to improve and make your own AWESOME applications!


  1. ESP32 Filesystem Uploader in Arduino IDE: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/install-esp32-filesystem-uploader-arduino-ide/


Vincent Kok, October 2021