
An implementation of a competition leaderboard focusing on database design

Leader Board


Outline Value
Course CSI 2532
Date Winter 2020
Professor Andrew Forward
TA 1 Kyle Quintal
TA 2 Lintian Wang
Team Andrew Forward 1484511
Ayana 9021000


Deliverable 1 (5%) Hello World

Mark Description Comment
2.0 GitHub repository setup GitHub Repo
2.5 ER model See below
2.5 Relational model / SQL schema Both image and SQL below
1.0 SQL examples to INSERT, UPDATE, SELECT and DELETE data See examples below
1.0 README.md contains all required information See this page
1.0 Git usage (commit messages, all students involved) See commit details in GitHub
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Application Description

The leaderboard database models an athlete, including details such as their name, date of birth, and identified gender.

ER Model

The ER diagram was created with Lucidchart.

ER Model

Relational Model

The Relational Model (diagram) was also created with Lucidchart.

ER Model

SQL Schema

This was testing using Online SQL Interpreter available with the textbook.

CREATE TABLE athletes (
  id int,
  identifier varchar(50),
  created timestamp,
  modified timestamp,
  name varchar(50),
  dob date,
  identified_gender varchar(6),

Example SQL Queries

After running the above schema, you can test the queries below in the Online SQL Interpreter Refresh the browser if you want to start over.

INSERT INTO athletes (id, name, identified_gender, dob)
(1, 'Andrew', 'm', '1975-12-01'),
(2, 'Ayana', 'F', '1998-06-11'),
(3, 'Hayden', 'm', '1996-07-24'),
(4, 'August', 'm', '1999-09-09');

Let's find all 'F' athletes.

FROM athletes
WHERE identified_gender = 'F';

Let's update all 'm's to 'M's.

UPDATE athletes
SET identified_gender = 'M'
WHERE identified_gender = 'm';

And now all 'M' athletes.

FROM athletes
WHERE identified_gender = 'M';

Let's delete all athletes.

DELETE FROM athletes;

And now the table is empty.

SELECT count(*)
FROM athletes;