
Going through the Data Structures and algorithms course on Front End Masters

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Front End Masters Data Structures and Algorithms

This repo goes through the coding challenges presented in Front End Master's Data Structures and Algorithms video course. Exercises can be found here.


Pseudoclassical JavaScript


Create a class, add methods to the class and create an instance of the class.


Stack String Exercise


Create a 'storage' (stack) string on a class. Then add 'menu items' to the 'storage'. Create methods that allow you to push and pop strings on and off the stack as well as a method that returns the number of items on the stack.

This was difficult because the stack had to be a string.

Stack Exercise


Create a stack (Last in First out) with an object as the underlying data structure. Not allowed to use arrays or native push/pop methods.

Queue Exercise


Same rules apply as Stack Exercise. However, a queue is First in First Out.



This directory is filled with exercises and common interview whiteboard questions involving Recursion. Exercises include Factorials, Fibonnaci sequence, reversal of array and strings through recursion and more. I have not completed all "interview" exercises in this directory.

BigO Notation, Space/Time Complexity


Code examples in which you must notate the time complexity of each algorithm. Slides and exercise can be found here.

Sorting Algorithms


Bubble Sort

Implement Bubble Sort. Average Complexity: O(n^2). Best Time Complexity: O(n).

Optional exercises(completed):

Make Algorithm Adaptive. If at any point the array is already sorted, break out of algorithm early.

Optimize algorithm by avoiding unnecessary comparisons. I solved this by not iterating to the end of the array after each iteration.

Insertion Sort

Implement Insertion Sort. Average Time Complexity: O(n^2). Best Time Complexity: O(n).

Optional Exercises(not completed yet):

Allow your algorithm to take a comparator function. Look at array.sort comparator function for an example (I'm still not sure what a comparator function is after looking at array.sort)

Use the comparator function to ensure your sort is stable.

Selection Sort

Implement Selection Sort. Average Time Complexity: O(n^2). Best Time Complexity: 0(n).

Optional Exercises:

Make algorithm stable. (completed)

Allow your algorithm to take a comparator function, just like Insertion Sort. (I'm still not clear on what this is).

Merge Sort

Implement merge sort recursively. Time complexity: 0(n*log(n)).

Quick Sort

Implement quick sort recursively. Average Time Compleity: O(n*log(n)).

Trees & Searching


Linked List

Implement a Linked List made out of a Class. Linked Lists are not inserted into arrays to be help keep track of placement.


Implement a Doubly-Linked-List. I did this by adding a .prev key to the node to reference the previous node in the list.

Find a way to make the insert and remove methods Constant Time O(1) instead of iterating through all the nodes to find the one you want to remove or add. I did this by creating a key on the constructor with the value of the node being added. This way, I can simply perform a property look up (O(1)) to find the node.