Official Implementation for AAAI 2024 Paper "E2HQV: High-Quality Video Generation from Event Camera via Theory-Inspired Model-Aided Deep Learning"

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Official Implementation for "E2HQV: High-Quality Video Generation from Event Camera via Theory-Inspired Model-Aided Deep Learning" - AAAI 2024 arxiv

E2HQV Generated Video Frames for Benchmarking

To benchmark with our method without processing your own data, you can find E2HQV-generated frames for evaluation on Google Drive. Below are the model's statistics on each dataset and scene:


E2VID 0.212 0.424 0.350 0.337 0.206 0.705 0.127 0.540 0.382
FireNet 0.131 0.502 0.320 0.292 0.261 0.700 0.094 0.533 0.441
E2VID+ 0.070 0.560 0.236 0.132 0.345 0.514 0.036 0.643 0.252
FireNet+ 0.063 0.555 0.290 0.218 0.297 0.570 0.040 0.614 0.314
SPADE-E2VID 0.091 0.517 0.337 0.138 0.342 0.589 0.077 0.521 0.502
SSL-E2VID 0.046 0.364 0.425 0.062 0.345 0.593 0.126 0.295 0.498
ET-Net 0.047 0.617 0.224 0.107 0.380 0.489 0.032 0.658 0.260
E2HQV (Ours) 0.028 0.682 0.196 0.032 0.421 0.460 0.019 0.671 0.261


boxes_6dof calibration dynamic_6dof office_zigzag poster_6dof shapes_6dof slider_depth
MSE↓ 0.0354 0.0206 0.0278 0.0214 0.0345 0.0407 0.0129
SSIM↑ 0.5638 0.6471 0.7185 0.6802 0.5552 0.8194 0.7879
LPIPS↓ 0.2574 0.1639 0.1965 0.2239 0.1978 0.1712 0.1623


indoor_flying1 indoor_flying2 indoor_flying3 outdoor_day1 outdoor_day2
MSE↓ 0.0235 0.0194 0.0224 0.0518 0.0403
SSIM↑ 0.4495 0.4249 0.4484 0.3343 0.4462
LPIPS↓ 0.4381 0.4444 0.4262 0.5802 0.4086


bike_bay_hdr boxes desk desk_fast desk_hand_only desk_slow engineering_posters high_texture_plants poster_pillar_1 poster_pillar_2 reflective_materials slow_and_fast_desk slow_hand still_life
MSE↓ 0.0306 0.0139 0.0146 0.0087 0.0135 0.0223 0.0207 0.0280 0.0108 0.0084 0.0147 0.0246 0.0304 0.0225
SSIM↑ 0.5689 0.7571 0.7358 0.7781 0.7485 0.6867 0.6537 0.5559 0.6195 0.6543 0.6924 0.6737 0.5779 0.6878
LPIPS↓ 0.3532 0.1850 0.1808 0.1771 0.2842 0.2711 0.2444 0.2166 0.2746 0.2651 0.2403 0.2531 0.3629 0.2087

Generate Video Frames with the Trained E2HQV

Fix on 06/27/2024: app.py line 144 replace the p_states to current_states: return rf0, f01.detach(), last_gt, current_states, all_output

Note: Due to the size limitation on GitHub, the complete code along with the model weights is stored on Google Drive.

  • On Google Drive, we provide minimal code to predict video frames using event-streams represented as voxel grids with 5 temporal bins. This representation was proposed by Alex et al. in their CVPR 2019 paper.

  • An example sequence of voxel grids can be found in ./dataset/desk_fast_voxelgrid_5bins_examples. To generate the corresponding frames, simply run python3 app.py in the terminal.

  • If you wish to use E2HQV with your own event data, place your event temporal bins in the form of a 5xHxW numpy array saved in .npy format (to ./dataset/desk_fast_voxelgrid_5bins_examples). Then, execute python3 app.py to process your data. In the Dataset Preparation section, we will provide detailed instructions and the necessary code to convert raw event data into voxel format.

Known Issue: The training process did not utilize optical flow, unlike other methods such as E2VID. As a result, the temporal consistency is suboptimal.

Dataset Preparation

You can find the e2voxel_grid.py script for converting events to voxel grids in Google Drive.

To Be Updated