This is as a repository for me to keep my Kaggle and Practice with iPython Notebook
Jupyter Notebook
- aburgool
- alch-1
- alexnuneszoSeguros Unimed
- andreidoreRobofun
- Arkoprabho@Technogise
- bodhwani@ICT-USC @ACM-VIT
- csutaria
- ErnstBas
- esattavukcu
- fnever520Busan South Korea
- gauravssnllocalhost
- geodyangCalgary, AB
- GustavoAlMenaArgentina
- hassanmohsinThe University of Texas at El Paso
- hiheechanghanyang university
- iam36
- jstulips
- kurucanİstanbul
- Marc-g-ZDerisk Venture Studio
- mbampiUFRGS
- mrrocketraccoonTechnical University of Munich
- nix1947@pearlinnovation
- osoleole
- pbergonzi
- Rackarchina
- rdinesh0211
- redmandarinSpace
- rkapdiVictoria
- sbtobb
- shevkenSingapore
- stephenwithavCharleston, SC
- steven2805UK, Scotland
- taeheechoiUSA
- unerueSeoul, South Korea
- VSBtechsSatna,(M.P)