
Matrix-Matrix Multiplication on the GPU with Nvidia CUDA.

Primary LanguageCuda

Matrix Multiplication with CUDA

Implement a way to compute matrix multiplication with CUDA by computing sub-matrices in parallel with multiple threads. 3 different GPU kernels have been investigated here. The first one (matrixmul_kernel) involves utilising the multi-threading capability to compute the results using a standard matrix multiplication algorithm. The second one (matrixmul_shared_memory_kernel) utilises the same algorithmn as the first one but with the addition of shared memory. The third one (cublas_kernel) utilises the optimised cublasSgemm() in the cublas library. The performance of these 3 kernels has been compared to a baseline case which uses the CPU to to compute the standard matrix multiplication algorithm.


Navigate to the root directory of this project and run CMake to configure the project and generate a native build system. My platform is Windows and I configured it with

   C:\msys64\mingw64\bin\cmake.EXE --build c:/Users/XXX/cuda_projects/matrix_mul/build --config Debug --target ALL_BUILD -j 10 --

With linux, you can configure with

   cmake -S . -B build/

This will generate all the files in the build directory.

Then call that build system to actually compile/link the project

   cmake --build build/

Finally, call the executable with



For the test below, two $1024 \times 1024$ square matrices have been multiplied together. Each of the tests use a different set of matrices generated and curand has been used to generate the matrices operated by the cuda kernels. A NVidia GeForce GTX 1050 was used.

Method Calculation time taken in ms (excluding memory allocation time)
Standard matrix multiplication with CPU 3491
Standard matrix multiplication with CUDA multi-threading 22.882
Standard matrix multiplication with CUDA multi-threading and shared memory 8.703
CUBLAS 1.4472