
:apple:This is a simple test for light field ToolBox.

Primary LanguageMatlab


This is a simple test for light field ToolBox.

How to use?

step1: put the needed files to according folders

Project root
├── LFToolbox0.4                %source files of LF_TB
├── Sample_test                 %store white images and test images
|   ├── Cameras                 %white images
|   |   ├──Axxxxxxxxxxx  
|   |   |  └──WhiteImages       %put your data.c.0/1/2/3 here
|   |   ├──Bxxxxxxxxxxx         %put your illum files here
|   └── Images
|       ├──B01                  %test images for illum
|       └──F01                  %test images for lytro
├── demo.m 
├── ViewLightField.m
└── README.md                   %this file

step2: run demo.m