This repository contains the configuration files (dotfiles) for my desktop workstation, based on Arch Linux. Other branches are used for my other devices. My system installation is documented here.
I use a bare git repository to manage my dotfiles. To initialize use the following commands:
git clone --bare $HOME/.dotfiles
alias dotfiles='git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles --work-tree=$HOME'
dotfiles checkout
dotfiles config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
If you receive an error message about untracked working tree files; run the following command:
mkdir -p dot-backup && \
dotfiles checkout 2>&1 | egrep "\s+\." | awk {'print $1'} | \
xargs -I{} mv {} .dot-backup/{}
The idea behind the method described here is based on this article.
Listed below are the main components of my setup. This does not include everything, only the main configuration that is necessary for the core looks and functionality.
- i3-gaps - window manager
- compton - compositing
- polybar - statusbar
- rofi - application launcher
- st (suckless terminal) - custom terminal emulator
- tmux - terminal multiplexer
- Nord colorscheme - colors may be referenced outside of officially supported applications
- Hack - terminal font
- Arimo - statusbar font
- Nimbus Sans - GUI font
- fzf - fuzzy finder used by both zsh and vim
- lf - terminal file browser.
- mpd - music player daemon
- ncmpcpp - music player for MPD
- vim - no explanation required
- neomutt - e-mail client
- isync - IMAP sync
- vdirsyncer - calendar and contacts sync