
Hackfest 2023 Kuopio team lunch assistant

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Hackfest 2023 Kuopio team lunch assistant.

Fetches lunch menu from Origo restaurant and asks descriptions and recommendations from OpenAI GPT. Then posts the recommendations to Slack channel.

Code and CI/CD

Github: https://github.com/Vincit/lunch-assistant. All pushes to main branch will trigger GitHub Actions Workflow, which deploys app to Azure Function lunch-basic.


Install Azure CLI and Azure Functions CLI:

  • brew install azure-cli (or equivalent in other OS)
  • npm install -g azure-functions-core-tools@3 --unsafe-perm true

Set up following env variables (either in Azure or locally in .env file at project root):

Login to Azure:

az login

You have to have permissions to Vincit Azure OpenAI Playground.

How to use?

  • npm start - Run locally
  • npm run build - Build TypeScript into JS
  • npm run test - Test locally (remember to put secrets into .env AND enable TailScale to access OpenAI)
  • npm run deploy - Deploy function to Azure (still in preview, other option is via VSCode Azure tools)


Workdays at 10:30 am. Currently not taking daylight saving time into account, so need to update twice a year or find out how to detect DST.


As Azure Function App called lunch-basic. It is running in Basic App Service Plan. Cheaper consumption plan does not allow VNET, which in turn is needed for OpenAI access.

Manual trigger by HTTP GET: http://lunch-premium.azurewebsites.net/api/slack