
JUnit test runner for running authorization unit/integration tests with multiple users and roles

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Multi User Test Runner

This custom JUnit test runner is for testing JVM applications with multiple roles and users. The library makes it easy to test many authorization scenarios by reusing test cases. It's easy to verify that your system returns correct data, denies and permits the access for correct users.

Requirements for version 1.0 and newer

  • Java 8 or newer
  • JUnit 4.12 or newer (supports JUnit5 with JUnit vintage 4.12)





dependencies {
    test 'fi.vincit:multi-user-test-runner:1.0.0-beta1'


Usage is simple:

Configuring the Test Class

Configuration class:

  1. Create a configuration class that implements MultiUserConfig<USER, ROLE> interface (where USER and ROLE are your user and role types)
  2. Implement required methods for that class

Test class:

  1. Add the following annotations:
    1. @RunWith(MultiUserTestRunner.class)
    2. @RunWithUsers() with appropriate users e.g. @RunWithUsers(producers = {"role:ROLE_ADMIN"}, consumers = {"role:ROLE_ADMIN", "role:ROLE_USER"})
  2. Add an AuthroizationRule and annotate it with JUnit's @Rule
  3. Add you configuration class as member variable and annotate it with @MultiUserConfigClass:
// This can be initialized here or you can you @Resource or @Autowired if using Spring Framework
private MultiUserConfig<User, User.Role> multiUserConfig = new MyMultiUserConfig();

public AuthorizationRule authorizationRule = new AuthorizationRule();
  1. Write the tests using the AuthorizationRule.

Additional Configuration for Spring Framework

To make the test work with Spring two more rules are needed: SpringClassRule and SpringMethodRule. By adding these rules the bean under test and the config annotated by @MultiUserConfigClass can be autowired. The MultiUserConfig will also be able to use Spring's dependency injection. The test class configuration will look like the following:

private MultiUserConfig<User, User.Role> multiUserConfig;

public AuthorizationRule authorizationRule = new AuthorizationRule();

public static final SpringClassRule SPRING_CLASS_RULE = new SpringClassRule();

public final SpringMethodRule springMethodRule = new SpringMethodRule();

Assertion Error Messages

If the method under test fails when not expected:

fi.vincit.multiusertest.exception.CallFailedError: Assertion failed with role <ROLE_USER>: Permission denied
<stack trace...>
Caused by: org.springframework.security.access.AccessDeniedException: Permission denied
<stack trace...>

If the method under test fails with a wrong exception:

fi.vincit.multiusertest.exception.CallFailedError: Unexpected exception thrown with role <producer=role:ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMIN, consumer=ROLE_USER>: Expected <IllegalStateException> but was <AccessDeniedException>: Permission denied
<stack trace...>
Caused by: org.springframework.security.access.AccessDeniedException: Permission denied
<stack trace...>

If a method under test doesn't fail when expected:

fi.vincit.multiusertest.exception.CallFailedError: Expected assertion to fail with role <ROLE_USER> with exception IllegalStateException. No exception was thrown.
<stack trace...>

Test Configuration

Creating Custom Users

In order to use custom users with @RunWithUsers annotation it is possible to create users in JUnit's @Before methods. Another way to achieve this is to use a library like DBUnit to create the users to database before the test method.

Defining Users

Producer and Consumer

There are two types of users: producers and consumers.

  • Producer user is meant for creating resources (project, task, users in the system etc.) that the consumer then uses. Operations done with the producer user should always succeed.
  • Consumer user is the one all the calls and assertions should be done.

User Identifiers

@RunWithUsers annotation defines which users are used to run the tests. Users can be defined by:

  • Role (role)
  • User instance (user)
  • Use the current producer user (RunWithUsers.PRODUCER)
  • Use a consumer with the same role as the producer but a different user instance (RunWithUsers.WITH_PRODUCER_ROLE)
  • Anonymous user (RunWithUsers.ANONYMOUS)
Type Format Creates new user Example Description
user user:<user name> no @RunWithUsers(producers="user:admin-user", consumers="user:test-user") Use existing user
role role:<role name> yes @RunWithUsers(producers="role:ROLE_ADMIN", consumers="role:ROLE_USER") Create new user with given role
producer RunWithUsers.PRODUCER no @RunWithUsers(producers="role:ROLE_ADMIN", consumers={RunWithUsers.producer, "user:test-user"}) Use the producer as the user
new consumer with producer role RunWithUsers.WITH_PRODUCER_ROLE yes @RunWithUsers(producers="role:ROLE_ADMIN", consumers={RunWithUsers.WITH_PRODUCER_ROLE, "user:test-user"}) Create new consumer, uses same role as the producer has
anonymous RunWithUsers.ANONYMOUS no @RunWithUsers(producers="role:ROLE_ADMIN", consumers={RunWithUsers.ANONYMOUS, "user:test-user"}) Don't log in/clear log in details. loginWithUser(User) is called with null user

Some user identifiers trigger a user creation (see the table). If a new user is created, they are created for each test method and user identifier separately. They are created by calling AbstractUserRoleIT#createUser(String, String, String, ROLE, LoginRole) method. RunWithUsers.PRODUCER and existing user definitions will not create new users.

Logging in User for Tests

Logging in user is done by implementing loginWithUser(USER user). The type of USER depends on the generic value of AbstractMultiUserConfig<USER, ROLE> class. How the logging in is done, depends on the used frameworks and test types. E.g. if creating integration tests for Spring Framework, the user can be logged in to the SecurityContext. If using something like RestAssured, the method may just store the currently logged-in user.

By default, the producer user is logged in by using the implemented loginWithUser(USER user) method. The consumer is logged in automatically when the method under test is called. After successful call of the method under test, producer is logged back in.

public void fetchProduct() {
    String productId = productService.createProduct("Ice cream");

    // Here the producer is the one who is logged in

    authorization().given(() -> productService.fetchProduct(productId)) // The lambda is called using the consumer
                .whenCalledWithAnyOf(roles("ROLE_ADMIN", "ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMIN"))

    // Here the producer is the one who is logged in

Special Roles

RunWithUsers.PRODUCER can be used to use the current producer user as the user. A new consumer is not created but the same producer user is fetched with AbstractUserRoleIT#getUserByUsername(String) method. This can't be used as a producer user definition.

RunWithUsers.WITH_PRODUCER_ROLE can be used to create a new consumer user with the same role as the current producer user has. This definition can't be used as a producer definitions or if the producer roles have one or more producers defined with existing user definition.

RunWithUsers.ANONYMOUS means that user should not be logged in and previous log in should be cleared if necessary. AbstractUserRoleIT#loginWithUser(USER) will be called with null value by default. This behaviour can be changed by overriding AbstractUserRoleIT#loginAnonymous() method.

Role Aliases

The role definitions don't have to use the exact same role as the role type has. By implementing the AbstractUserRoleIT#stringToRole(String) method appropriately the role definitions can have any value which is then mapped to the real role.

Role aliasing feature can be used to implement a simple support for multiple roles per user. Mapping the role definitions to multiple roles can be done for example in AbstractUserRoleIT#createUser(String, String, String, ROLE, LoginRole) method.

Multi Role Support

It's possible to define multiple roles for a role identifier. The syntax is role:ADMIN:USER. This requires the configuration class to be extended from AbstractMultiUserAndRoleConfig.

Ignoring a Test Method for Specific User Definitions

It is possible to run certain test methods with only specific user definitions by adding @RunWithUsers or @IgnoreForUsers annotation to the test method.

@RunWithUsers(producers = {"role:ROLE_ADMIN", "role:ROLE_USER"},
        consumers = {RunWithUsers.PRODUCER, "role:ROLE_ADMIN", "role:ROLE_USER", "user:existing-user-name"})
public class ServiceIT extends AbstractConfiguredUserIT {
    @RunWithUsers(producers = {"role:ROLE_ADMIN"}, users = {"role:ROLE_USER", "user:existing-user-name"})
    public void onlyForAdminProducerAndConsumerUser() {
        // Will be run only if producer is ROLE_ADMIN and consumer is either ROLE_USER or existing-user-name

    @RunWithUsers(producers = {"role:ROLE_ADMIN"})
    public void onlyForAdminAndAnyUser() {
        // Will be run only if producer is ROLE_ADMIN. Consumer can be any of the ones defined for class.
    @IgnoreForUsers(producers = {"role:ROLE_ADMIN"})
    public void ignoredForAdminProducer() {
        // Will not be run if producer is ROLE_ADMIN. Consumer can be any of the ones defined for class.



Let's say that there are multiple tests that use exact same user/role definitions. To reduce duplicated user definitions, it's possible to use UserDefinitionClass. For example, if there are multiple tests that use user identifiers {"role:ROLE_ADMIN", "role:ROLE_USER"} as the consumer definitions, it's possible to make a class which defines that set of user identifiers:

public class GeneralTestUsers implements UserDefinitionClass {

    public String[] getUsers() {
        return new String[] {"role:ROLE_ADMIN", "role:ROLE_USER"};

This class can be given to the consumer in RunWithUsers:

@RunWithUsers(consumerClass = GeneralTestUsers.class)
public class ServiceXTest {
    // ...

Or to the producer:

@RunWithUsers(producerClass = GeneralTestUsers.class)
public class ServiceXTest {
    // ...

Debugging Tests

Sometimes when writing tests, it's required to debug a single case to see why the test doesn't pass. The framework doesn't allow to run only single producer/consumer pair from the UI from commandline or IDE.

For this reason it's possible to focus only on certain producers/consumers by:

  1. Marking them with $ e.g. $role:ROLE_ADMIN
  2. Setting RunWithUsers.focusEnabled to true

These both need to be done, otherwise all tests are run.

For the predefined user identifiers (e.g. RunWithUsers.PRODUCER), there are $ variants (e.g. RunWithUsers.$PRODUCER) for this purpose.

// This will only run tests for producer ROLE_USER and consumers PRODUCER, ROLE_ADMIN
@RunWithUsers(producers = {"role:ROLE_ADMIN", "$role:ROLE_USER"},
        consumers = {RunWithUsers.$PRODUCER, "$role:ROLE_ADMIN", "role:ROLE_USER", "user:existing-user-name"},
        focusEnabled = true)
public class ServiceIT extends AbstractConfiguredUserIT {

    public void test1() {
        // test code here

    public void test2() {
        // test code here
    public void test3() {
        // test code here


This also works with UserDefinitionClasses:

// This will only run tests for producer ROLE_USER and consumer ROLE_USER
@RunWithUsers(producers = {"role:ROLE_ADMIN", "$role:ROLE_USER"},
        consumerClass = GeneralTestUsers.class,
        consumers = {"$role:ROLE_USER"},
        focusEnabled = true)
public class ServiceIT extends AbstractConfiguredUserIT {

    public void test1() {
        // test code here

    public void test2() {
        // test code here
    public void test3() {
        // test code here


Writing the Tests and Assertions

Identifiers in Assertions

The user identifiers role, user, RunWithUsers.PRODUCER and RunWithUsers.ANONYMOUS must be same in the assertion and in the @RunWithUsers annotation. For example if the @RunWithUsers has user:admin and that user has ROLE_ADMIN role it can be only asserted with user:admin and not role:ROLE_ADMIN. Also producer users can only be asserted with RunWithUsers.PRODUCER definition and not with user or role. Users specified with special definitions RunWithUsers.PRODUCER and RunWithUsers.ANONYMOUS can only be asserted with the exact same special definitions.

RunWithUsers.WITH_PRODUCER_ROLE is an exception to above. It can't be used in the assertions. Instead the corresponding producer user definition has to be used. For example if producer is role:ROLE_ADMIN and consumer is RunWithUsers.WITH_PRODUCER_ROLE the correct way to reference the consumer in an assertion is role:ROLE_ADMIN.


The test code is written using the MUTR DSL which follows the given-when-then format. Usually the test format is the following:

  1. Initialize data (using producer)
  2. Use the DSL
    1. Given: Define the actual call
    2. Define assertion rules for each user identifier
    3. Initiate the test by calling .test() method
// Initialize test data

// Use DSL
authorizationRule.given(() -> 
            // The actual call
        // Assertions
        .whenCalledWithAnyOf(roles("ROLE_ADMIN", "ROLE_USER"))
        .then(expectValue(Arrays.asList("admin", "user 1", "user 2")))

        .then(expectValue(Arrays.asList("super_admin", "admin", "user 1", "user 2", "user 3")))

                exception -> assertThat(exception.getMessage(), is("Access is denied"))
        // Initiate the test


For all examples, please visit multi-user-test-runner/examples

Configuring base class for tests (using Spring Framework):

// Webapp specific implementation of test class
@ContextConfiguration(classes = {Application.class, SecurityConfig.class})
public abstract class AbstractConfiguredMultiRoleIT {

    private UserService userService;

    private DatabaseUtil databaseUtil;

    public static final SpringClassRule SPRING_CLASS_RULE = new SpringClassRule();

    public final SpringMethodRule springMethodRule = new SpringMethodRule();

    public TestMultiUserConfig config;

    public AuthorizationRule authorizationRule = new AuthorizationRule();

    public void clear() {

    public TestMultiUserConfig config() {
        return config;

    public AuthorizationRule authorization() {
        return authorizationRule;


Writing tests in the test class:

// Test implementation
        producers = {"role:ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMIN", "role:ROLE_ADMIN", "role:ROLE_USER", "role:ROLE_USER"},
        consumers = {"role:ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMIN", "role:ROLE_ADMIN", "role:ROLE_USER",
                RunWithUsers.PRODUCER, RunWithUsers.ANONYMOUS}
public class TodoServiceIT extends AbstractConfiguredMultiRoleIT {

    // Service under test
    private TodoService todoService;

    public void init() {

    public void getPrivateTodoList() throws Throwable {
        // At this point the producer has been logged in automatically
        long id = todoService.createTodoList("Test list", false);

        authorization().given(() -> todoService.getTodoList(id))
                .whenCalledWithAnyOf(roles("ROLE_USER"), UserIdentifiers.anonymous())
                .otherwise(assertValue(todoList -> {
                    assertThat(todoList, notNullValue());
                    assertThat(todoList.getId(), is(id));
                    assertThat(todoList.getName(), is("Test list"));
                    assertThat(todoList.isPublicList(), is(false));



Custom Test Class Runners

It is also possible to create your own custom test class runner. The custom runner has to extend JUnit's org.junit.runners.ParentRunner (doesn't have to be direct superclass) class and has to have a constructor with following signature:

CustomRunner(RunnerConfig runnerConfig).

When creating a custom test class runner it's important to note that AbstractUserRoleIT.logInAs(LoginRole) method has to be called after @Before methods and before calling the actual test method. This will enable creating users in @Before methods so that they can be used as producers.

The RunnerDelegate class contains helper methods for creating custom test class runners. Most of time the runner implementation can just call the RunnerDelegate class' methods without any additional logic. But for example implementing the withBefores method may require some additional logic in order to make the test class' @Before methods to work correctly (See implementation of BlockMultiUserTestClassRunner#withBefore method).

To use the custom test class runner, you can use MultiUserTestConfig annotation on the test class. The custom runner is defined with runner property.