
Magical ES6 Proxy wrapper for axios


Magically generates and executes HTTP requests using axios based on the accessed properties and functions. ES6 Proxy class is used to implement the magic. You can call any method and access any property at any level. The following example is a complete example and you can copy it to a file and run it.


const proxios = require('proxios');

const api = proxios.createApi({
  url: 'https://my-api.com/api'

const people = await api.getPeople();
// GET https://my-api.com/api/people

const people = await api.getPeople(1);
// GET https://my-api.com/api/people/1

const pets = await api.people(1).getPets();
// GET https://my-api.com/api/people/1/pets

const newPerson = await api.postPeople({ name: 'Jennifer' });
// POST { name: 'Jennifer' } https://my-api.com/api/people

const updaterPerson = await api.putPeople(1, { name: 'Jennifer' });
// PUT { name: 'Jennifer' } https://my-api.com/api/people/1

await api.v2.some.long[1].path.deleteStuff(1);
// https://my-api.com/api/v2/some/long/1/path/stuff/1