
UnsupportedOperationException nth not supported on this type: Keyword

AndreTheHunter opened this issue · 2 comments

Reoccurring from #8

I get the error:
UnsupportedOperationException nth not supported on this type: Keyword clojure.lang.RT.nthFrom (
When running:

  {:venia/queries [[:employee {:id 1 :active true}
                    [:name {:preferNickname 1}

Using [vincit/venia "0.2.4"] with [org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0-beta2"]

@AndreTheHunter You need to wrap :name {:preferNickname 1} in vector:

  {:venia/queries [[:employee {:id 1 :active true}
                    [[:name {:preferNickname 1}]

Probably, I should have documented it better. Also, i should definitely improve error messages, because quite often they don't make any sense.

@macluck Thanks, that sorted it out!
Yes, please update the documentation to make it clearer