
Harmonization and correction forest data tool.

Primary LanguageR




TreeData: An R package to harmonize & correct forest data.

"TreeData" is a provisional name.

The package structure diagrams (TreeData_Structure.drawio.html) can be found in the "documents" folder.

Installation (development version)

devtools::install_github("VincyaneBadouard/TreeData", build_vignettes = TRUE)

Open the shiny app

Click here for an online version or run the following code in an R Session:

shiny::runGitHub( "VincyaneBadouard/TreeData", subdir = "inst/app")

To cite package ‘TreeData’ in publications use:


To cite package ‘TreeData’ in publications use:

Vincyane Badouard, Valentine Herrmann and Camille Piponiot (2022). TreeData: Forest Inventories Harmonization & Correction. R package version https://github.com/VincyaneBadouard/TreeData.git

A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is

@Manual{, title = {TreeData: Forest Inventories Harmonization & Correction}, author = {Vincyane Badouard and Valentine Herrmann and Camille Piponiot}, year = {2022}, note = {R package version}, url = {https://github.com/VincyaneBadouard/TreeData.git},

To contribute

How do you correct your forest data? Survey: https://forms.gle/huFGUo1TR31bEMKp8

If you want to give us feedback on the app, you can fill out this form: https://forms.gle/ULFH9gUXJJZL7rmR8.