
Docker containers for Kafka, Zookeeper and Logstash using docker-compose

Primary LanguageShell

docker-compose for Kafka, Zookeeper and Logstash

This set up is merely a demonstration for pushing logs to Logstash which then pushes the logs to a Kafka topic.

This set up is based on kafka-docker using the single-broker configuration.


  • Docker needs to be installed.
  • docker-compose needs to be installed.


Ensure that the following ports are not in use:

  • 2181
  • 9092
  • 10000


docker-compose up -d

That's it! You are all set!

To see it in action:

  • Open up a terminal session and run:

    docker exec -it kafka /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --zookeeper
    zookeeper:2181 --topic logstash_logs
  • Open up a second terminal session and run:

    curl -X POST -d @test.json http://localhost:10000 --header "Content-Type:application/json"

    Ensure that curl is installed.

  • You should be able to see a concise HTTP request in the form of an json object coming through in the first terminal session.

Now you can stream logs to localhost:10000 and see it in Kafka.


The configurations for Logstash is in the logstash_pipeline and logstash_settings folders.

You can modify the settings before running docker-compose up -d.

In this demonstration, a Http input plugin and a Kafka output plugin using the json codec are used.