
GnuPlot bindings for Mathematica

Primary LanguageMathematica


This package provides GnuPlot bindings for Mathematica. It provides the functions gnuPlot and gnuListPlot which work (to some extend) analogous to Mathematicas own Plot and ListPlot functions.


gnuplot-mm generates a gnuplot command file for you, runs it in the background and imports the output back into Mathematica. Simply calling

gnuPlot[Exp[-y^2] Cos[2y], {y, -3, 3}, PlotStyle -> "set grid y @DGRAY"]

produces the following output

You can also use gnuplots cairolatex terminal from within Mathematica to produce LaTeX-rendered output:

See more features in action: https://rawgithub.com/sharkdp/gnuplot-mm/master/doc/gnuplot.htm


Clone the repository into your ~/.Mathematica folder and load gnuplot-mm/gnuplot.m via Get[..].