
This is just a .NET Design Pattern Training Repo. Here you can find some examples of some design patterns that I've been learning. I hope that you can learn something with me 🙂.

My website for reference:

Database Provider Factory

An implementation of Factory Method and Abstract Factory Pattern that provide an instace of especific Database provider, SQL Server and Postgres.

TCP Server

An implementation of Adapter that Adapt and old HTTP1 server to HTTP2.

Infinity Comment

Is just an implementatino of Composite, that can hold a set comment and its childrens recursively.

File Operation

Implementatino of Command, that can create a file, undo e redo this action.

Payment Method

Implementatino of Strategy, that you can select which 'strategy' to pay an order at the compile time via a factory.

Feed Notifier

Implementatino of Observer, that you can nofity a group of followers if some action happens.

Bill Payment

Implementatino of Builder, that you can build a bill with a lot of parameters.