Classifier Optimality using Diffusion Models

Using shifter on Perlmutter

All the libraries required to run the code in the repo can be acessed through the docker image vmikuni/tensorflow:ngc-23.12-tf2-v1. You can test it locally by doing:

shifter --image=vmikuni/tensorflow:ngc-23.12-tf2-v1 --module=gpu,nccl-2.18

Alternatively, you can use the tensorflow module provided by NERSC with

module load tensorflow

Remember to pick the most recent Tensorflow version available in the modules (currently 2.15.0).

Training the model

You can run the training code using a single GPU after loading the module/docker container using the command

cd scripts
python --dataset [top/gluon]

Pre-trained checkpoints are available in the checkpoints folder.

You can also run the code using multiple GPUs by first starting an interactive job from a ssh session with the commands:

salloc -C gpu -q interactive  -t 30 -n 4 --ntasks-per-node=4 --gpus-per-task=1  -A m3246 --gpu-bind=none  --image vmikuni/tensorflow:ngc-23.12-tf2-v1 --module=gpu,nccl-2.18

in case you want to use the docker container or

salloc -C gpu -q interactive  -t 30 -n 4 --ntasks-per-node=4 --gpus-per-task=1  -A m3246 --gpu-bind=none

using the module.

There you can run the code with the multiple GPUs using the command:

srun --mpi=pmi2 shifter python --dataset [top/gluon]

with the docker container or simply

module load tensorflow
srun python --dataset [top/gluon]

with the module.

Evaluation: Generation

For this exercise we want to first generate events and later evaluate the likelihood of the events we generated. To generate events you can run:

python --ngen 1000 --sample --dataset [top/gluon]

Where the flag ngen determines the number of events to be generated. This command will save the generated events for jets and particles, as well as the initial Gaussian values used to transform gaussian-> data. Alternatively, you can generate events using multiple GPUs using the command:

srun [--mpi=pmi2 shifter] --ngen 1000 --sample --dataset [top/gluon]

In this case, each GPU will generate 1000 events that are going to be combined in the same output file.

Evaluation: Likelihood

The likelihood determination is almost the same as the generation. Since the likelihood is calculated based on generated samples, only run after the generation. The command to run is:

python --likelihood --dataset [top/gluon]

This command will save to the output file the values of the likelihoods as well as the output Gaussian distribution obtained from the data->Gaussian transformation. Similarly, you can calculate the likelihood in parallel using the command:

srun [--mpi=pmi2 shifter] python --likelihood --dataset [top/gluon]

##Plotting The last step is to make a few plots of the generated distributions and the comparison between the input and output Gaussian distributions. Simply run the evaluation script as:

python --dataset [top/gluon]

In this case, a single GPU is more than enough!