
RapidFood - Food Delivery App (Swiggy Clone) using React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

RapidFood - Food Delivery WebApp

RapidFood is a food delivery web application built using ReactJs and Firebase, bundled with Parcel Bundler. The app allows users to browse and place orders from over 100 local restaurants. It utilizes the Swiggy API for seamless loading of restaurant data and search functionality. The UI is modern and responsive, designed using Tailwind CSS to ensure smooth navigation and enhanced usability.

Key Features

  • Browse and place orders from 100+ local restaurants
  • Seamless loading of restaurant data using Swiggy API
  • Smooth search functionality for finding restaurants
  • Modern and responsive UI designed with Tailwind CSS
  • Scalable and maintainable codebase using ReactJs and Redux
  • 50% reduction in bug reports and faster development cycles

Technologies Used

  • ReactJs
  • Firebase
  • Parcel Bundler
  • Swiggy API
  • Tailwind CSS

Project Timeline

  • March 2023 to Present

GitHub Repository

The code for RapidFood is available on GitHub at: GitHub Repository Link

Installation and Usage

  • npm install
  • npm run dev