
Template solution for .NET microservices

Primary LanguageC#


This is a simple boilerplate code template when getting started with .NET microservices. In the code implementation you can find the following features:

  • Standalone JWT Authentication controller
  • Ocelot API Gateway
  • Sample REST API services
  • Repository + UnitOfWork Design pattern implementation with RepoDB and PostgreSQL
  • Blazor WASM test application


AuthenticationAPI project make use of local user secrets to connect to the database. Template:

  "DbSettings": {
    "ConnectionString": "Server=[YOUR_SERVER_NAME];Database=[YOUR_DB_NAME];Port=5432;User Id=[YOUR_USERNAME];Password=[YOUR_PASSWORD];Ssl Mode=Require;Trust Server Certificate=true"


If you want to run the solution by yourself, in the database folder you will find the schema to create all the necessary tables. The project is configured to run with PostgreSQL.

Add a new user to your database with the following values:

  • username: 'user1'
  • password: 'A6xnQhbz4Vx2HuGl4lXwZ5U2I8iziLRFnhP5eNfIRvQ='
  • displayname: 'u1'
  • isactive: 'true'

The password of that specified hash is -> 1234.