AirBnB clone


HolbertonBnB is a complete web application, it integrates database storage, a back-end API, and a front-end interface. It is a clone of AirBnB.


The console is a command line interpreter that permits management of the backend of HolbertonBnB. It can be used to handle and manipulate all classes utilized by the application (achieved by calls to the storage object).

How to use the Console

The HolbertonBnB console runs both interactively and non-interactively. To run the console in non-interactive mode, pipe any command(s) into an execution of the file at the command line.

$ echo "help" | ./
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF  all  create  destroy  help  quit  show  update


Alternatively, to use the HolbertonBnB console in interactive mode, run the file by itself:

$ ./

While running in interactive mode, the console displays a prompt for input:

$ ./

To quit the console, enter the command quit, or input an EOF signal (ctrl-D).

$ ./
(hbnb) quit
$ ./
(hbnb) EOF


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