
Modern JavaScript library for date formatting,support browser and nodejs

Primary LanguageTypeScript


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date-fm is a JavaScript library for date formatting,supports Browser and node.js.


with npm:

 npm install date-fm --save

with yarn:

 yarn add date-fm


Using in Commonjs


  • The easiest way to use it is:
const { format } = require('date-fm');
console.log(format()); // output is "2018-12-20T16:25:55.036",default to current date
  • locale use:
const { format } = require('date-fm');
console.log(format('YYYY/MM/DD HH:II:SS aa', new Date(2018, 11, 20))); // output is "2018/12/20 00:00:00 am"
console.log(format('YY-mm-dd hh:ii:ss  WW')); // output is "19-12-25 23:23:59  Wednesday"
// locale config
  format('YY/mm/dd hh:ii:ss NN WW', new Date(), {
    months: [
    // Note : the first item in the array is Sunday!
    weekdays: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'],
    ampm: ['am', 'pm'],
); // output is "19/12/25 23:23:59 Dec Wed"
// you can alse set global locale config for format function
format.setOptions((localeOptions: LocaleOptions));
     interface LocaleOptions {
      weekdays?: string[];
      weekdaysAbbr?: string[];
      months?: string[];
      monthsAbbr?: string[];
      ampm?: [string, string];
      isPm?: (hour: number) => boolean;// default is: hour =>return hour > 12


const { parse } = require('date-fm');
// just return a native Date object
let oDate = parse('2019-10-25 12:33:21.064', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:II:SS.XXX');
// fallback date, default to current date
let fallbackDate = new Date(2019, 9, 25);
parse('12:33:21.064', 'HH:II:SS.XXX', fallbackDate);


const { resolve, relative } = require('date-fm');
console.log(resolve('+3days4hours')); // output is "2019-12-20 20:25:55"
console.log(resolve('-3years2weeks', 'YYYY/MM/DD HH:II:SS aa')); // output is "2016/12/20 16:25:55 pm"
// abbreviation of "+3days4hours"
console.log(resolve('+3d4h')); // output is "2019-12-20 20:25:55"
console.log(resolve('today')); // output is "2019-12-13 00:00:00"
// based date
console.log(resolve('+1d', new Date(2019, 11, 22))); //output is "2019-12-23 00:00:00"
let date = resolve('yesterday', false); // return a native Date Object


console.log(relative(new Date(2017, 8, 24)));// output is "2 years ago"
let timestamp = Date.now();
console.log(relative(timestamp)));// output is "a few seconds ago"


const {
} = require('date-fm');
console.log(isBefore(new Date(2017, 8, 24))); // output is "true"
console.log(isAfter(new Date(2017, 8, 24), new Date())); // output is "false"
console.log(isLeapYear(2082)); // output is "false"
console.log(compare(new Date(2017, 8, 24), new Date(2018, 8, 24))); // output is "-1"
  isBetween(1577286966411, new Date(2016, 8, 24), new Date(2018, 8, 24)),
); // output is "false"

Using in ES6 Module

If you want to use date-fm in other packaging based engineering projects, it's very simple. Just import it and use it

import { format } from 'date-fm';
let sDate = format();
// ...

Using in Browser

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <script src="./node_modules/date-fm/dist/date-fm.min.js"></script>
      let format = dateFm.format(new Date(2015, 4, 20));
      // ...


const {
} = require('date-fm');
// or
import {
} from 'date-fm';

and then

format(format?:string, time?:Date|number = new Date(),options?:LocaleOptions):string

  • description : Returns the corresponding format string according to the specified date format;

  • params :
    format:(string) format string,default to ISO8601. see the following table for the supported format symbols.

    time :(Date|number) Date object or timestamp to format,default to current time.

    options:(LocaleOptions) Optional,locale configuration object;

    interface LocaleOptions {
      weekdays?: string[]; // Array of custom weekdays
      weekdaysAbbr?: string[]; // Array of custom short weekdays
      months?: string[]; //  Array of custom months
      monthsAbbr?: string[]; // Array of custom short months
      ampm?: [string, string]; // Array of custom am and pm
      isPm?: (hour: number) => boolean; // custom check if is PM,(hour:number)=>boolean

    you can alse set global locale config for format function like this:

format.setOptions(localeOptions: LocaleOptions);

The following table is supported format symbols:

symbol description
YYYY 4-digit year,eg. '2018'
YY 2-digit year,eg. '18'
MM Month with leading 0,eg. '07'
mm Months without leading 0,eg. '7'
DD Date with leading 0,eg. '06'
dd Date without leading 0,eg. '6'
HH 24 hour system with leading 0,eg. '22'
hh 24 hour system without leading 0,eg. '8'
KK 12 hour system with leading 0,eg. '06'
kk 12 hour system without leading 0,eg. '6'
II Minutes with leading 0,eg. '09'
ii Minutes without leading 0,eg. '9'
SS Seconds with leading 0,eg. '01'
ss Seconds without leading 0,eg. '1'
XXX Milliseconds
aa lower afternoon sign in capital,eg. 'am','pm',can be overridden by options.ampm
AA Upper afternoon sign in capital,eg. 'AM','PM',can be overridden by options.ampm
jj Days of the current year,eg. 365 or 366
NN Complete spelling of English month names,eg.'December',can be overridden by options.months
nn Abbreviation of English month name,eg. 'Dec',can be overridden by options.monthsAbbr
WW Complete spelling of English week names ,eg. 'Sunday',can be overridden by options.weekdays
ww Abbreviation of English week name, eg. 'Sun' ,can be overridden by options.weekdaysAbbr
  • returns:(string) formated string

parse(target:string,format:string,backupDate:Date = new Date):Date

  • description :parse date string to native date object

  • params :
    target:(string) string of formated date to be parsed

    format:(string) format string, only supports date format divided by / or -,such as 2018/2/10 12:32:12 or 2018-2-10 12:32:12.999

    backupDate:(Date) fallback date when no date part is provided, default to current date

  • returns:(Date) parsed date object


  • description : Decide if it's a leap year
  • params :
    year:(number|string|Date)Accept a date object , a number representing the year or a string representing the year can be converted to number
  • returns:(boolean) Return true if leap year, false otherwise

isBefore(target:Date, comparator?:Date = new Date()):boolean

  • description : Determine whether target precedes comparator

  • params :
    target: (Date) Date to compare

    comparator : (Date) Date to be compared;default to current time

  • returns (boolean) If target returns true before comparator, false otherwise

isAfter(target:Date, comparator?:Date = new Date()):boolean

  • description : Determine whether target follows comparator

  • params :
    target: (Date) Date to compare

    comparator : (Date) Date to be compared;default to current time

  • returns :(boolean) If target returns true after comparator, false otherwise

isEqual(target:Date, comparator?:Date = new Date()):boolean

  • description : Determine if two dates are equal
  • params :
    target: (Date) Date to compare comparator : (Date) Date to be compared;default to current time
  • returns :(boolean) Return true if it is the same date, otherwise return false

compare(target:Date, comparator?:Date = new Date()):number

  • description : Compare two dates.

  • params :
    target: (Date) Date to compare

    comparator : (Date) Date to be compared;default to current time

  • returns:(boolean) If target is larger than comparator, return 1, equal return 0, otherwise return - 1

resolve(relative:string,baseDate?:Date|number=new Date(), format?:string|false ):Date|string

  • description : Resolve relative date

  • params : relative:(string) The relative date mark such as '+3year4month' and the mark consists of operator and token:

    For example, in '+3year4month', '+' is called operator, 'year' and 'month' are valid tokens, and their combination represents a certain meaning.

supported operators are: + ,-;

supported tokens are: year(s), month(s), week(s) ,day(s), hour(s), minute(s), second(s) ,millisecond(s), now ,lastweek ,lastyear, lastmonth ,yesterday, tomorrow, today; abbreviations:year(s)->y, month(s)->m, week(s)->w ,day(s)->d, hour(s)->h, minute(s)->i, second(s)->s ,millisecond(s)->MS,so the following is equivalent:

// or

Note: The above token and operator represent a certain meaning. In order to meet the specific application, try not to mix the operator + or - with the following specific token:now ,lastweek ,lastyear, lastmonth ,yesterday, tomorrow, today,this will cause parsing errors!

baseDate:(Date|number) base date or base timestamp number.

format:(string|false) format string ,type: string|false.see valid format symbols above.

  • returns: (Date|string) If format is set to false, it will return a parsed date object, otherwise it will return the format string of the parsed object!


  • description : Calculates the specified date relative to the current time and return the corresponding string
  • params :
    date: (Date|number) date object or timestamp number
  • returns (string) relative string

isBetween(target:Date|number, start:Date|number, end:Date|number):Boolean

  • description Judge whether the date is within the specified range

  • params:

    target:(Date|number) Date to judge,can be date object or timestamp number

    start:(Date|number) Start of date range,can be date object or timestamp number

    end:(Date|number) End of date range,can be date object or timestamp number

  • returns:(boolean) Returns true if the specified date is in the range, false otherwise
