
The Online Book Shopping Store to manage, buy, add, remove and sell books. Book name and Quantity selection, auto receipt generated and payment options. Login and logout security for both user and admin. Seperate Profile for all.

Primary LanguageJava

OnlineBookStore Website Using Java

Online Book Store

This Website is built for following purpose:-

  • For Selling books online
  • Maintaining books selling history
  • Adding and managing books
  • User Friendly
  • For Implemention of Generic Servlets in Java
  • This is a Mini-project developed using Java, Jdbc, And Generic Servlets

Admin Have Following Access for this online store site:-

  • Add New Books
  • View Books Available
  • Remove Books
  • Increase Books Amount

Users Have Following Access for this online store site:-

  • Create New Account or Register
  • Login
  • View Available Books
  • Select Books to Buy
  • Select Books Quantity
  • Buy Books
  • Get Payment Receipt

Technologies used:-

  1. Front-End Development:
  • Html
  • Css
  • Javascript
  1. Back-End Development
  • Java
  • JDBC
  • Servlet
  • Oracle
  • Maven Support
  1. Database used
  • Sql/MySql

Database Creation:

Go to the Folder named Dummy_Database.md and copy and paste the mysql command for making the database tables and fill some dummy database.

Note:- This is a basic Project so we have not think about the security and we have only implemented this project using the generic servlet

"Suggestions and project Improvements are Invited!"

Thanks a lot
Project Leader
Shashi Raj