A website view made using Laravel 8. This project is an assignment for Web Programming CMP6681001 GSLC.
GSLC 1: Added Blade Conditional Rendering, Loop Rendering, and Reusable Component Tag.
GSLC 2 (current): Added Controller.
- Clone project
- Go to the folder application using cd command on command prompt
- Run
composer install
to download all dependencies needed - Run
copy .env.example .env
- Run
php artisan key:generate
- Run
php artisan serve
to access the webapp on localhost
- 2440017126 - Vio Albert Ferdinand
- Bootstrap 5
- PHP 8.1.1
- Composer
- Laravel 8
Reinert Yosua Rumagit, S.Kom., M.T.I - D6191 as our lecturer