Introduction to the Post-Work Track

This course is designed especially for graduates of Flatiron’s Software Engineering Program. As you get ready to dive in, take a moment to think back to your very first day at Flatiron School and all that you’ve learned since - it is quite an accomplishment!

In your interactions with your instructors, you’ve likely heard them emphasize the skill of “learning how to learn.” Choosing to pursue a career in tech means you are choosing to be a lifelong learner and keeping your skills sharp is a vital part of leading a successful career. In Stack Overflow’s 2020 developer survey, “around 75% of respondents noted that they learn a new technology at least every few months or once a year.”

It’s not unlikely that you’ll join a team that works with a different set of tools and technologies from what you learned at Flatiron. And you’ll be able to pick these up quickly using the same persistence, patience, and thoughtful problem solving you relied on each time you encountered a tough lab in the program.

After graduation, you're now at a point where you choose what to learn next. Each individual is different - your interests and career goals are highly unique, and it is now up to you to decide what to focus your energy and effort on.

This track is provided alongside the Career Prep Track to help you continue your journey. The content is based on feedback from former students as well as employers who have hired Flatiron graduates. We've compiled resources for you to explore while job searching, and have also put together some specific guidance to help you improve your existing projects.

Use this as a guide to becoming an even better software engineer.

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