
Block shitty internet blackholes, focus.

Primary LanguageGo

here's something I've added

Go Block Site

Go blocksite is a minimal, configurable, FREE website blocker.

It's been designed as a small app to block unwanted websites on the system level. GBS was born after a long usage of half-baked browser extensions that were limited, unextendable and quite pricy for their very simple job.


The way GBS is working is by changing the hosts file on the machine, rerouting targets to localhost instead of the real site. For that, it requires that the hosts file has write permissions. The easiest way to achieve that is by running as sudo (sudo go-blocksite) If running sudo everytime is extra annoying to you I can suggest (but I don't take responsibility) to change ownership to your own user by running:

sudo chown $(whoami) /etc/hosts

The app is configurable by a config.yml where you can set a list of block targets, and/or by command line arguments such as --block or --unblock.

Usage of go-blocksite:
  -b, --block string     blocks a given url
  -u, --unblock string   unblocks a given url
  -U, --unblock-all      unblocks all urls


Download the latest binary compiled to the desired architecture, and put it in the bin folder so it's part of your user path: wget https://github.com/omerxx/go-blocksite/downloads... && chmod +x go-blocksite && mv go-blocksite /usr/local/bin/go-blocksite

Or use an optional package manager:

  • MacOS:
brew install omerxx/tools/blocksite


In order to keep things simple and light, a statefile named /etc/gbs-state.json is created and maintained to track block / unblocked websites. The file's name and path are also configurable through the optional