Automate Web WhatsApp with selenium.
Full explained Videos on that project are coming soon. Stay tune with my youtube channel Noobie techs
- Done: Generate sessions and open sessions ✔
- Done: Open chatroom and send message ✔
- Done: Create new WhatsApp group ✔
- Done: Scrape members list from group ✔
- Done: Make given contacts as group admins of given group ✔
- Done: Remove given contacts from given group ✔
- Done: Send a message to a group with mentioning all group members ✔
- Todo: Clear chats of all groups
- Todo: Clear chats of all contacts
- Todo: Clear all chats both groups and contacts
- Todo: Auto-reply given messages to some given messages
- Todo: Scrap chat as text
- Todo: Track online status of given number
- Todo: Send given message to given contacts at some given time i.e schedule messages
- Todo: Exit from all groups
- Todo: Exit from given groups
- Todo: Change Web WhatsApp's settings
- Todo: Scape all contacts and send message containing URL to their own chatroom
pip install tithiwa
Create bot
from tithiwa import Tithiwa
tithiwabot = Tithiwa()
### No need to scan QR code every time.
## 1. Generate session file
## 2. Open session file
input("Press Enter to exit.")
## 1. Open chat
## 2. Send message
tithiwabot.chatroom.send_message_to_number("919592140593", "Hello, from Tithiwa")
## 1. Create Groups"GroupName", ["contact1", "contact2", "contact2"])
## 2. Scrape list of group members
membersList ="GroupName")
print(membersList) # ["contact1", "contact2", "contact2"]
## 3. Make some particular group members as group admins"GroupName", ["contact1", "contact2"])
## 4. Remove given contacts from given group"GroupName", ["contact1", "contact2"])
## 5. Send a message to a group with mentioning all group members
tithiwabot.send_message_with_mention_all_to_group("GroupName", "Hello All")
Setup package for development
git clone
cd tithiwa
pip install -e .