
A barebones API for an e-commerce store written in Python with support for JWT

Primary LanguagePython

Barebones Shopping Store

By Viraj Bangari

A barebones shopping API that supports multiple producers, products and shopping carts. This was written in two days.

Table of Contents


API Endpoints

API Model Schema

Souce Code Explanation

How to run


  • Statless RESTful API.
  • Secure token-based authentication with JWT.
  • ORM that can be used with any production grade RDMS. (default: SQLite)
  • Supports producers, who can create an account and start creating products.
  • Producers can update the price, quantity and title of their products.
  • Producers can delete their prodicuts.
  • Allows for GETing all products, filtering by their quantity.
  • Allows the creation and deletion of shopping carts, which can contain multiple products and can have the total price cached.
  • Shopping carts do not require an account and are secured using API tokens.
  • Concurrency-safe when checking out a shopping cart using DB locks.
  • Integration tested.
Note: all API endpoints will return a 500 error code on schema error.

Endpoint /api/producer

Method POST

Content Schema

{"username": string, "password": string}

Return Value

   "auth_token": jwt_auth_token  // Client should store this
   "producer": producer

Explanation Creates a new producer and returns the schema for it.

Endpoint /api/producer

Method GET

Params None

Return Value

[Array of Producer] with code 200

Explanation Returns all producers

Endpoint /api/producer/<int:producer_id>

Method GET

Params None

Return Value

Producer with code 200 if id found
{} with code 404 if id not found

Explanation Returns a producer with the matching id.

Endpoint /api/products

Method GET

params min-inventory-count: int

Return Value

[Array of products] with code 200

Explanation Returns all products whose inventory count is greater than the specified parameter. If no parameter is included, it is as if min-inventory-count is set to 1.

Endpoint /api/products

Method POST

Headers* Authorization: Bearer AUTH_TOKEN

Content Schema

    "producer_id": int,  // Id of the producer who creates this product.
    "title": string,
    "cost": decimal,
    "inventory_count": int

Return Value

Product with code 200
401 if invalid token

Explanation Creates a new product with the associated producer id.

Endpoint /api/products/<int:product_id>

Method PUT

Headers* Authorization: Bearer AUTH_TOKEN

Content Schema

    "title": string,  // optional
    "cost": decimal,  // optional 
    "inventory_count": int // optional

Return Value

Product with code 200 if id found
{} with code 404 if id not found
401 if invalid token

Explanation Overwrites the attributes of a product with the specified attributes in the content.

Endpoint /api/products/<int:product_id>


Headers Authorization: Bearer AUTH_TOKEN

Return Value

Code 200 if id found
{} with code 404 if id not found
401 if invalid token

Explanation Deletes a product with matching id

Endpoint /api/shopping_cart

Method POST

Return Value

    "auth_token": AUTH_TOKEN,
    "shopping_cart": ShoppingCart
with code 200

Explanation Creates a new shopping cart.

Endpoint /api/shopping_cart/<int:shopping_cart_id>

Method GET

Headers Authorization: Bearer AUTH_TOKEN

Params use-cache: int // 0 is false, anything else or unspecified is true.

Return Value

ShoppingCart with code 200
401 if invalid token


Returns the shopping cart with the cached price. If use-cache is set to False, then the total price is recomputed by traversing through the list of products. This will only be an issue if a producer changes the price of a product while it is in a shopping cart.

Endpoint /api/shopping_cart/<int:shopping_cart_id>


Headers Authorization: Bearer AUTH_TOKEN

Return Value

Message with code 200


Code 200 if id found
{} with code 404 if id not found
401 if invalid token

Endpoint /api/shopping_cart/<int:shopping_cart_id>

Method PUT

Headers Authorization: Bearer AUTH_TOKEN

Content Schema

    "product_id": int, // product to put in shopping cart
    "quantity": int // quantity to put in shopping cart

Return Value

ShoppingCart with 200 if valid method
Message with code 404 if product id doesn't exist.
Message with code 500 if quantity is greater than the number of availible products.
401 if invalid token


Adds a product to the shopping cart. If the quantity is set to 0, it's the equivalent of removing it
from the shopping cart. If the product is already in the shopping cart, the quantity is modified and the 
cost is recalculated.

Endpoint /api/shopping_cart/<int:shopping_cart_id>/checkout

Method POST

Headers Authorization: Bearer AUTH_TOKEN

Return Value

Message with 200 if id found
Message with code 404 if id doesn't exist or if a product in the cart is out of stock for the request number.
401 if invalid token


Calculates the total amount of money needed to complete a checkout, and accordingly modifies the database for
the the product based on the ShoppingCartEntry values. If a single ShoppingCartEntry is invalid, the entire
transaction is cancelled.


    "id": int, // id of producer
    "username": string, // username of prodcuer
    "products": [Array of Product] // products created by producer


    "id": int, // id of product
    "producer_id": int, // id of parent producer
    "title": string, // name of product
    "price": decimal, // price of product, must be greater than or equal to 0.1
    "inventory_count": int // number of available prodcuts, must be greater than or equal to 0

Shopping Cart

    "id": int, // id of shopping cart
    "cached_price": decimal, // cached price of all the products in the shopping cart.
                             // In the case where a producer changes the price of a product,
                             // the cached price will not update unless explicitly told to
                             // via the API or when a purchase is made.
    "shopping_cart_entries": [Array of ShoppingCartEntry]


    "id": int, // id of shopping cart entry
    "shopping_cart_id": int, // parent shopping cart
    "quantity": int, // quantity of product request, must be greater than 0
    "product_id": int, // id of corresponding product
    "product": Product

./initdb.py - DB initialization code
./runserver.py - Server running code

        model.py - The database models - Producer, Product, ShoppingCart, ShoppingCartEntry
        api.py - Handling of API endpoints and updating model

        test_api.py - Integration tests with API calls
Required: Python 3.6+, SQLite3, Pip3

In the root folder, run the folowing to install the required python modules:

pip install -r requirements.txt

To initialize the database file, run:

python initdb.py

This only needs to be run once. By default, the .db file is stored in the barebones directory.

To run the server, run:

python runserver.py

To run tests, cd into the test directory and run:
