
A rudimentary implementation of a HTTP server, which accepts requests from client and sends appropriate response back.

Primary LanguagePython

HTTP Server

A HTTP or a web server is a software that processes requests via HTTP , i.e. a network protocol used to exchange information on the World Wide Web (WWW). It's main function is to store, process and deliver web pages / responses / answers to the requests offered / made by a client and fulfill it accordingly.

This project is a rudimentary implementation of how a HTTP (HTTP/1.1 with non - persistent connections with client) server performs / answers to HTTP requests from client. (Here, client:- Anyone who can establish a TCP connection with the server and is capabable of sending HTTP requests as well receiving a HTTP response)

To run this project


  1. python installed (version >= 3.8)
  2. python packages - (socket, threading, datetime, email.utils, sys, os, configparser, shutil, uuid, json, requests)

Steps To Run:

  • Server: sudo python3 main.py <options>

    1. <options>
      • To start server: start | START
        • sudo python3 main.py start or
        • sudo python3 main.py START
      • To stop server: stop | STOP
        • sudo python3 main.py stop or
        • sudo python3 main.py STOP
      • To restart server: restart | RESTART
        • sudo python3 main.py restart or
        • sudo python3 main.py RESTART
  • Client Tester:

    1. Load Testing
      • python3 client_test.py -l <number-of-requests>
        • Options
          • -l, --load
          • --debug=True (For logging response codes on terminal for respective request methods)
        • <number-of-requests> (optional) : Integer value for multiple same requests present in LTest.json file. Default value: Number of request objest present in LTest.json.
    2. Confirmation Testing
      • python3 client_test.py -c <method-name>
        • Options
          • -c, --confirmation
          • --debug=True (For logging response codes on terminal for respective request methods)
        • <method-name> : GET | POST | PUT | DELETE | HEAD (requests present / to be added in CTest.json file)

Important file Syntax

  1. CTest.json or LTest.json (For testing purpose)
    • possible keys (case-sensitive):

      • "method": which states HTTP method ("GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "HEAD")
      • "url": url to which the request is sent ("/index.html", "/something", etc); (Default is "/")
      • "data" (Applicable for POST and PUT): Again in key, value pairs.
      • "file" (Applicable for POST and PUT): Again in key, value pais.
        • "name": filename that is expected to be stored on server
        • "path": file path from where the client is expected to pick the file (Absolute path is expected)
        • "fileType" (options): eg = ("text", "image"); (Default is "/")
    • possible values:

      • Anything with well defined and valid characters.


       "method": "POST",
       "url": "/something",
       "data" = {
        "name": "Delta-server",
        "location": "pune",
       "file" = {
         "name": "serverToBeuploaded.txt",
         "path": "/home/USER/Desktop/somefile.txt",
         "fileType": "text"
       "method": "GET",
       "url": "/index.html"
  1. config.ini (Config file)
    • Present in ConfigFiles/config.ini or (<absolute-path>/ConfigFiles/config.ini)

    • Syntax

      key = value
      PORT = 4000
  2. Log Files
  • Access log
    • <client-ip> [<date>] <method> <path/url> <http-version> <status-code> <response-body-size> <referer> <user-agent>
    • Optional fields:
      • <referer> - mentioned if present else "-"
      • <user-agent> - mentioned if present else "-"
  • Error log
    • [<date>] [core: <core-value>] [pid: <process-id>:tid <thread-id>] [<client-ip>] [<error-message>]
    • Value Meaning:
      • <core-value>
        • error (if it is a server error)
        • debug (not an error but debug information)
      • <process-id> : process id of running server program
      • <thread-id> : thread id of acitve thread that lead this error log


RFC 2616 - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616

Python Docs - https://docs.python.org/3/

Apache Log - https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/logs.html