
green-cover is a project that helps in analysing geo-mapped aerial data to estimate green cover and related factors

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Green Cover

green-cover is a project that helps in analysing geo-mapped aerial data to estimate green cover and related factors.

A backend api has been built using Django REST Framework to achieve the same.

Link to the website: https://green-cover.netlify.app/

Link to backend repo: https://github.com/VirajPatidar/green-cover-backend

Tech Stack

  • React
  • axios
  • date-fns


  • Analysis of geo mapped photographs and satellite imagery to estimate green cover over time across the globe.
  • Rendering dynamic maps to analyse green cover and generate timelapses representing change in green cover.
  • To understand how increasing rate of deforestation is directly related to bad air quality and provide concrete statistics for the same.
  • Time series chart/graph representing change in green cover over the years for the state of Maharashtra.
  • Predicting type of landcover in the state of Maharashtra by performing supervised classification using existing datasets.
  • Analysis of air quality on basis of various parameters for the state of Maharashtra.
  • A system to manage and sign-up volunteers to arrange green drives and awareness programs.

Features along with datasets used:

Estimating Green Cover using Vegetation Indexes (Global)
Timelapse for Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) (Global)
Time series graphical analysis representing Vegetation Indexes (NDVI & EVI) of Maharashtra
Landcover Analysis of Maharashtra
Analysing Air Quality of Maharashtra