
Python Tutorials for YouTube

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Python Tutorials for YouTube

Project board to check the progress of the content - Python | Board

Python tutorials on my channel SUNNY BHAVEEN CHANDRA -

SNo Topic SubTopic Link
- Introduction - -
001 Installation - How to do the basic setup for any python, ML, DL, projects on windows10 or 11?
- Variables - -
- Expressions, Operators, and Precedence - -
- Control Flow - -
- inbuilt data structures - -
- Functions - -
- Iterators and Generators - -
- File Operations - -
- Important Built in modules - -
- Modules and Import statements - -
- OOPs - -
- Expection Handling - -
- logging - -
- debugging - -
- - - -

Best OpenSource Python references to learn and practice

Price: You just need to pay $attention

YouTube Channels Link More info
Corey Schafer @Coreyms -
Sentdex @sentdex -
FreeCodeCamp @Freecodecamp -

Websites Link More info
PythonProgramming https://pythonprogramming.net -
FreeCodeCamp https://www.freecodecamp.org -
Real Python https://realpython.com/ -
W3school https://www.w3schools.com/python -
Sololearn https://www.sololearn.com -
Python Official docs https://docs.python.org/3/ -
Automate the boring stuff https://automatetheboringstuff.com/ -