A proof of concept crypto virus to spread user awareness about attacks and implications of ransomwares. Phirautee is written purely using PowerShell and does not require any third-party libraries. This tool steals the information, holds an organisation’s data to hostage for payments or permanently encrypts/deletes the organisation data.
- 247arjunMicrosoft
- AbdullahSaleh-cmd
- aka99Shanghai, China
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- BentleyZ
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- CMNaticTryHackMe
- Cryoplex
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- he0x
- hffaust
- Hostn4me127.0.0.1
- jmboGainesville, FL
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- kalticKnowledge Nest
- khast3x
- leak0s
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- modulexcite
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- peet47
- prasad1618
- psychomadCenturia CyberLabs
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- stillbigjoshCo-founder and Offensive Security Consultant at Sentinel Information Security
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- superuser5m00n
- t3ck3r
- TaiusUnited Kingdom
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- Thamrius
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- zero77