
verify using otp| messagebird API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


verify using otp| messagebird API


verify using otp| messagebird API #TASK

  1. Public endpoints for user sign-up and user login. The required inputs will be mobile number and password. The response of both APIs should have a JWT token or any other data for authentication. You can implement the Authentication approach you are must familiar with.

  2. A post endpoint to add contacts by providing their name and mobile number. Before saving the contact in the database, you should make a call to Message Bird Lookup API1 in order to validate that the number is valid and only save it if it is. This endpoint should be secured, meaning that only authenticated users will be able to save contacts.

Use this API

  1. clone it
  2. npm install
  3. npm start


  1. SignUp http://localhost:8000/signup

  2. login http://localhost:8000/login

  3. unauthorized http://localhost:8000/login

4.user has been verified http://localhost:8000/user/profile?secret_token="key"

you will get the response after sending the OTP, only authorized user will recieve the otp and verify the number.