
Lets you highlight specific parts of a WordPress post for one-click tweeting

Primary LanguagePHP


  1. Contributors: viren-mohindra
  2. Donate link: http://virenmohindra.me/
  3. Tags: testing, cache
  4. Requires at least: 3.0.1
  5. Tested up to: 4.3.1
  6. Stable tag: 4.3.1
  7. License: GPLv2 or later
  8. License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html


Basic WordPress plugin which has been created for testing of all sites created by Nuked Studios and Viren Mohindra in their entirety


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


  1. Upload twitter.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Place <?php do_action('plugin_name_hook'); ?> in your templates


Based on Tweetable Text by Salim Virani, with additions by Joshua Benton of Nieman Lab.

Lets you highlight specific parts of a WordPress post for one-click tweeting. Use:

Schardt says that [tweetable]finding creative journalists with an awareness of what technologies are available to them is half the battle.[/tweetable] The advancements themselves outpace the average newsroom's awareness and ability, but funding continues to be overwhelmingly aimed at furthering these platforms — while journalists struggle to keep up.

Optionally, you can include an alt tag in the shortcode if you want the text of the tweet to be different than the exact text you're highlighting:

Schardt says that [tweetable alt="This is actually the text that will show up in the tweet."]finding creative journalists with an awareness of what technologies are available to them is half the battle.[/tweetable] The advancements themselves outpace the average newsroom's awareness and ability, but funding continues to be overwhelmingly aimed at furthering these platforms — while journalists struggle to keep up.

You can also add hashtags to the tweet:

Schardt says that [tweetable hashtag="#journalism #publicmedia"]finding creative journalists with an awareness of what technologies are available to them is half the battle.[/tweetable] The advancements themselves outpace the average newsroom's awareness and ability, but funding continues to be overwhelmingly aimed at furthering these platforms — while journalists struggle to keep up.

As written, this requires Font Awesome for the Twitter bird; if you don't want to use Font Awesome, just delete &thinsp;<i class='icon-twitter' style='color: #ed2e24;'></i>. (You can replace it with an image call if you'd like.) Colors and other layout choices are editable in the CSS block at the bottom of the file.



  • Initial commit.

Upgrade Notice


  • First commit, no actual reason to update.