This is my Android project
The Application's purpose is to help a user get his wanted products. The user creates a shopping list and when he is close to a shop that sells one of his wanted products the application notifies him.
The products and shops are stored in a local database for the moment. The database can be moved on a server and all requests made to it, but at a later version. The list of products (names, prices, images) is build by a Python script.
The Main Screen is the place where you can see your favourite products and categories, as well as search for new ones: ![alt tag] (
The Navigation Drawer can get you to every part of the app: ![alt tag] (
The Shopping List Screen lists your favourite products, togeter with their prices: ![alt tag] (
The User Info Screen is the place where you can edit your info: ![alt tag] (
The Settings Screen is a little thin right now, you can only choose weather to be notified or not when close to a shop that sells your product: ![alt tag] (