Exploratory Data Analysis for the Sales Performance of Pizza


sales report bi 1 sales report bi number 2

Table of Contents

Project Overview

In this project, we are conducting an Exploratory Data Analysis for pizza sales to enable the business owners make informed decisions regarding the making of pizza. This EDA will enable them to know the best or the worst performing pizza according to revenue, total quantity, and total orders. It will also enable them to know during which months are the sales high and which pizza sizes sell more than others.


The dataset is obtained from kaggle which entails pizza sales for the year 2015.

Data Preparation

Before doing the EDA, the data was cleaned using mysql to ensure the dataset did not have missing values and had been properly formatted and ready for analysis.

Questions to be answered

The following questions need to be addressed during the analysis:

  1. What is the total revenue?
  2. What is the average order value?
  3. What is the total pizzas sold?
  4. What is the number of orders placed?
  5. What is the average number of pizzas sold per order

Data Visualization

Visualizaton is conducted in Microsoft Power BI and the Key Performance indicators are revenue, quantity and orders.