
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Rpg turn based game using Phaser 3 and an API provided by @microverse

This is a 5 days project, to apply all knowledge obtained during Javascript curriculum.

Demo down below



How the game was design

The first step was to look for What is an RPG game?, then I looked for some inspiration, watching videos like Top 10 NES RPG games. After all this process, I started to brainstorm and just picked, the ones that looked realistic to build in 3 days, because 2 days were for study. Also, after reading the following readings, feel free to check it out: The 3 Primary Principles of Game Design, Beginner’s Guide to Game Mechanics, The Ultimate Guide to Level Design, I generated the following questions to myself: who is going to be the main character?, who is going to be the bad guy?, how many bad guys will be there?, what type of skills?, what is the objective of the game?, how the user will interact with the game?

And so on. This bunch of questions helped a lot to design the game. Also checking many resources in Open Game Art, gave me and inspired me with more ideas.

How the game was developed

Since I'm a very newbie with Phaser 3, I checked a lot of tutorials on how to make a turn-based RPG game. Some of them were the base to build the final game. Also, I reached to other developers when I struggled. Always ask for help!.

Built With ✨

  • JavaScript ECMA6
  • Node.js v11.9.0
  • Webpack 4.41.2
  • Phaser 3

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  • Node.js installed This project is only tested with node v11.9.0

  • System dependencies Windows/ Mac

Local Install

Clone project and run: npm install

After all dependencies install, run: npm run start

The project runs on http://localhost:8080/

How to play

Use arrow keys to move (up, down, left, right). When you enter onto a battle, pulse left arrow to select an enemy (name of the enemy will turn yellow!), then you can attack it pressing left arrow or space bar 😃. Good luck since these enemies randomly change their attack, sometimes you will handle weak enemies, other times they will be stronger (they can kill you in 2 hits).

How to contribute and participate

Fork this repo and submit a PR for review and potential merge to main branch. Feel free to leave feedback. 😄


👨‍💻 Gabriela Cruz