

2.52新版本采用不同规则性,旧源新源文件都保留 version 2.52 and above uses different rules, old versions will not work but source files will be kept in this repository

xiangsesource import-导入


复制链接,到app同步界面同步源https://github.com/haitang-blossoms/xiangsesource/raw/main/xiangsesource-master/readme.md copy link and go to app source sync page
格式是以.xbs尾或.md尾(.md则是多个源导入) format ends in extensions .xbs or .md (markdown files contain multiple source imports)
如果从我仓库中找到想要导入的xbs文件,复制raw文件链接即可 if there is a xbs file not listed in the .md, simply copy the raw file link and import


复制链接,到app同步界面同步源https://github.com/haitang-blossoms/xiangsesource/raw/main/xiangsesource-master/%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87%E6%BA%90.md copy link and go to app source sync page https://github.com/haitang-blossoms/xiangsesource/raw/main/xiangsesource-master/englishSource.md
格式是以.xbs尾或.md尾(.md则是多个源导入) format ends in extensions .xbs or .md (markdown files contain multiple source imports)
如果从我仓库中找到想要导入的xbs文件,复制raw文件链接即可 if there is a xbs file not listed in the .md, simply copy the raw file link and import
不维修 no more updates


请点击链接阅读源的简介再考虑导入; preferably read the comments on the source before importing
不定期添加新源以及更新/修复源,所以要长期使用的话记得时不时查看仓库更新 updates periodically, check any updates to the repository
若有书源制造要求/修改可以在issues发布任务,我尽量会去执行 if there are source creation requests send a comment or open an issue
