
Gradle plugin for automatic versioning based on Git branch and tag

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

GitHub license GitHub actions Jenkins coronium


Gitonium is a Gradle plugin for automatic versioning based on the current Git branch and/or tag.


Gradle 5 or higher is required. The code snippets in this README assume you are using Gradle with Kotlin, but should be translatable to Groovy as well.


The Gitonium plugin is not yet published to the Gradle plugins repository. Therefore, to enable downloading the plugin, add our repository to your settings.gradle(.kts) file:

pluginManagement {
  repositories {

Applying the plugin

Apply the gitonium plugin to a project (a build.gradle(.kts) file) as follows:

plugins {
  id("org.metaborg.gitonium") version("0.1.5")

The latest version of the plugin can be found at the top of this readme.

Gitonium will then lazily set the version of the project, and all sub-projects, to a version based on the Git repository. To override the version of a project, simply set the version as usual, and this will override the lazily set version.


Gitonium will check the current directory for a Git repository. If none is found in that directory, it will check its parent directory for one, and so on. If no Git repository is found, the plugin fails.

In the found Git repository, Gitonium will check if a release tag in the form of release-{version} points to the HEAD of the repository. If so, it will set the version of the project to {version}. For example, a tag release-0.1.3 pointing to the HEAD will result in version 0.1.3.

If no release tag was found, but the HEAD is on a branch, the version will be set to 999.9.9-{branch}-SNAPSHOT. The 999.9.9 prefix to the version ensures that Gradle always orders this version higher than regular release versions, and thus makes it possible to upgrade to it. For example, a HEAD on branch master will result in version 999.9.9-master-SNAPSHOT.

If no release tag was found, and the HEAD is not on a branch, the version is not set and therefore defaults to Gradle's default version of unspecified.

If the repository has no HEAD, Gitonium will fail.


This section details the development of this project.


This repository is built with Gradle, which requires a JDK of at least version 8 to be installed. Higher versions may work depending on which version of Gradle is used.

To build this repository, run ./gradlew buildAll on Linux and macOS, or gradlew buildAll on Windows.

Automated Builds

All branches and tags of this repository are built on:


This repository is published via Gradle and Git with the Gitonium and Gradle Config plugins. It is published to our artifact server in the releases repository.

First update CHANGELOG.md with your changes, create a new release entry, and update the release links at the bottom of the file. Then, commit your changes.

To make a new release, create a tag in the form of release-* where * is the version of the release you'd like to make. Then first build the project with ./gradlew buildAll to check if building succeeds.

If you want our buildfarm to publish this release, just push the tag you just made, and our buildfarm will build the repository and publish the release.

If you want to publish this release locally, you will need an account with write access to our artifact server, and tell Gradle about this account. Create the ./gradle/gradle.properties file if it does not exist. Add the following lines to it, replacing <username> and <password> with those of your artifact server account:


Then run ./gradlew publishAll to publish all built artifacts. You should also push the release tag you made such that this release is reproducible by others.

Copyright and License

Copyright © 2018-2022 Delft University of Technology

The files in this repository are licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may use the files in this repository in compliance with the license.