
Platform API and Storefront performance benchmark

Primary LanguageHTML

Initial data

Store settings

  • Seo link : Collapsed
  • Tax calculation: Disabled
  • Quotes: Disabled
  • Promotions: 5

Catalog settings

  • Products: 9915
  • Categories: 325
  • Properties: 120
  • Associations: 40000
  • Property values: 200000
  • Languages: 3

Platform settings

  • Smart cache: Enabled
  • Indexed search provider: Lucene

Load pattern

  • Users: 25
  • Load pattern: Constant
  • Duration: 2 min

Results Charts

Storefront ver 3.0. Theme: vc-default-theme


Platform API ver. 2.13.17


Stress test for storefront upon to 250 users - mixed (category browsing 30%, product details 40%, add product to cart 10%, search by phrase 20%)


Stress test for platform API upon to 250 Users - mixed ( /search/products 30%, /products 40%, /pricing/evaluate 10%, /api/cart 20%)
