This Repository is for demonstrating how CI/CD works. In this case, we worked on a simple python cronjob app, which checks if machines are up and running with specific tags for using Boto3. The deployment is a "cronJob" deployment with helm on K8s.
The Flow (high level): Developer makes code changes ---> push the changes to the “development” branch --->Jenkins Job trigger ---> in the Jenkins pipeline job; we build a new docker image based on the latest changes in the multi-stage build; we make some tests which include Lint testing ---> new docker image created --->running the docker file on Jenkins to give the developer instant view on the app output --->if all previous steps finished successfully ---> push the image to DockerHub ---> Update the chart image ---> Merge the commit to “master” branch --->ArgoCD (which listen to master) run a deployment and deploy the new changes.
to docker the app please use the Docker file added and run this commands (tune it for your docker Hub repo)
docker build -t mydocker2 .
docker tag mydocker2 virtuall4u/workshop3_boto3_ip:1.0.X
docker push virtuall4u/workshop3_boto3_ip:1.0.X
to run the docker :
edit environment file aws_credentials:
instruction for implementation: TBD
Thank you, Eliran Turgeman