This program is a C# console application that retrieves user data from the RandomUser API and stores it in a PostgreSQL database. Here's a synopsis of what the program does:

  • It establishes a connection to a PostgreSQL database using the Npgsql library.
  • It prompts the user to enter the number of users they want to retrieve (up to 30 users).
  • It sends a request to the RandomUser API to fetch user data based on the specified number of users.
  • If the API request is successful, it deserializes the response content into a C# object using Newtonsoft.Json.
  • It extracts the relevant user information from the deserialized object.
  • It opens a connection to the PostgreSQL database.
  • For each user, it generates a unique identifier (UUID), retrieves the user's image from the API, and inserts the user's information into the "users" table in the database.
  • Once all the users have been processed, it closes the database connection.